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Life Stories

Spiritual Family Changes everything

Our world can seem so overwhelming right now. There seem to be so many problems all around us. But instead of letting it drive us away from spiritual family, we should be running towards it. Check out Nick and Jillian’s story of how coming back to church changed the health of their marriage and family.  “In August of 2018, Jillian was diagnosed with breast cancer. She went through the first drug treatment, and after 2019 was cleared. Coming into 2020,…

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Life Stories

Lonely and Alone: When Atheism Isn’t Enough

What began as cynicism and skepticism as a teenager, led Jake to a place where he fully believed and said "there is no god." When he first came to Milestone, he was spiritually dead but somehow knew that he couldn't continue to live feeling as lonely as he did. This is his story of realizing that there was no intellectual book on atheism that could make him feel the love he felt from Jesus. …

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