Here at Milestone we believe that you don’t have to wait to be great. Empowering the next generation to be all that God has called them to be is one of our greatest passions. The teachers in our community are the people who make this happen on a daily basis. Take a look at how your generosity has impacted the teachers in our community. Generosity Spotlight — Teacher’s Appreciation from Milestone Creative on Vimeo. Milestone, thank you…
Generosity Spotlight
When you hear the word “generosity” you may automatically think of money. But generosity is so much more than that. Generosity is freely giving to someone else what God has given you— whether it be talents, time, or resources—without expecting anything in return. One example of this is how your generosity impacted a widow in our church named Linda. Linda had several repairs that she needed done around her home and a group of people in our church used their…
Here at Milestone we truly believe that generosity transforms. Every time you give, serve, and love others you are making an eternal impact. Dorothy is just one example of how generosity can change someone’s life. Take a look at her story. Milestone, thank you for being a generous church! We serve an incredibly generous God and when we give out of our joy we become more like Him. He entrusts us with gifts so we can discover the unspeakable joy…