You’ve been looking for your car keys for an hour and your spouse swoops in and finds them on the kitchen table in 30 seconds. You’ve searched every crevice of your couch for the TV remote that ends up being on your entertainment center (where it belongs). You can’t find your reading glasses that are sitting right on top of your head. You know the feeling: that thing you’ve been looking for has been right in front of you…
Pastor Jeff Little
Break·through \’brak-,THrü\ noun 1. a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development. Have you ever needed a breakthrough? Maybe you need one right now…a sudden dramatic development in that circumstance that keeps you up at night. It could be your marriage that’s falling apart, an addiction you just can’t seem to kick, that challenging toddler (or teenager) you can’t get through to, or a bad medical report. Maybe it’s a financial crisis, infertility struggle, the desire…
Have you ever felt a little out of place? Maybe you you received an invitation to an event, but didn’t quite feel like you were wanted there? It’s that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach that seems to say “you don’t belong here”. So why does it bother us so much? Deep down, we all want to feel like we belong. We want a place at the table. To be known fully and still loved fully. To feel…
It’s not a term everyone wants. It’s often associated with “uncool,” “old-fashioned,” or “out of touch.” But I’m proud to say I’m old school. I’m not trying to bring back the good ol’ days, I’m not against change or progress. I actually enjoy both of those things a great deal. I realize there are lots of things we used to value that aren’t worth much any more.Times have changed. They’ve been replaced. I get it. I’m not trying to get…
Everyone can get in the game–you don't have to sit in the stands and watch. At Milestone, we believe every person’s contribution is significant and we’re better when we’re all doing our part. Jesus places each one of us as living stones…and all the stones build the house. We are an everyone church.…
No one can avoid pain, but it’s how we choose to respond that makes all the difference. Terri Edwards is no stranger to tragedy. In 2007 she lost her first husband after a 13-month battle with cancer and two years later got the devastating news that her 17-year old son, Jonathan, had leukemia. He spent the greater part of the next 6 months in the hospital dealing with numerous complications and in October of 2009 passed away. …
“Let me tell you how rich we are…” Being thankful isn’t just something we are when everything seems to be going our way–when we finally get that promotion at work, our marriage is going great or we see our kids experience a breakthrough. …