Ally is a high school student who recently started serving in Milestone Kids. When we heard her story, we knew we wanted to share it with others. Today, in her own words, Ally shares her story.
My name is Allison Meisinger. I am a senior at Timber Creek High School and have been going to Milestone for a little under a year now. I originally didn’t know what to think, but one of my good friends invited me, and I am so glad she did. The very first night I was there, I was completely blown away. It was February 8th and something changed inside of me.
I got saved.
It was one of the most amazing experiences of my whole life and to have my best friends there with me was such a blessing. Wednesday night church became a weekly thing and so did Sunday morning services.
One Elevate night a blonde haired lady named Brittany King came up to me and introduced herself. She and I clicked immediately, and she asked if I was interested in serving in Milestone Kids. In the back of my head I thought she was kind of crazy, but at the same time I loved kids, so why not give it a shot. I served my first time shortly after that, and from then, I have been hooked. Serving in Milestone Kids is one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever been a part of. I love being able to help kids grow up knowing who God is and how much he loves them.
I’m nowhere near a perfect person, but when I’m serving kids I feel like it’s what I’m meant to do. There is a special feeling you get when you see 100+ first through fourth-graders worshiping God—it just puts everything in perspective for me. While that feeling is one of the best things that happens there, I have also met some of the most amazing people. Brittany has become a mentor in my life who I look up to and respect. The kids that would never talk to me before now say hi to me and give me a hug every time I see them.
Deciding to start serving in Milestone Kids was by far the best decision I’ve ever made!
I just feel like this is the place I belong. It’s my home away from home.
Ally, we’re so proud of your decision to follow Jesus and that each week you’re pouring your life into the next generation. Thank you for your transparency!
Ps Jesse Wagner
December 14, 2017 at 4:53 pmLove this! Ally is an awesome student that we’re so proud of. Love the heart to impact the next generation!
Lory Bribiesca
December 14, 2017 at 8:59 pmAwe Ally!!! ?? I didn’t get passed “something changed inside of me” then the tears! I’m honored to know you and your family. Thank you for all you do at Milestone Church!
December 15, 2017 at 10:12 amWhat an amazing story! So proud of your decision Ally! God bless your servant’s heart. Merry Christmas
jordan fowler
December 15, 2017 at 10:38 amWay to be, Ally. Keep serving! Those who serve get to see God do amazing things.
Kathy Beers
December 15, 2017 at 4:13 pmLove your heart, Ally! So proud of you.
Pastor Ron
December 18, 2017 at 10:36 amLove this… You’ve got a great mentor with Brittany King! One of a kind legend:) Way to go Ally! You are making an eternal impact.
Pastor Tim
December 20, 2017 at 1:54 pmWow what an awesome story. Getting plugged in and serving is a game changer! I wish everyone could experience what Ally is talking about.