Throughout the VISION series, we’ve been looking at this graphic to remind us that we all have a part to play in saying “yes” to Jesus and taking next steps. But sometimes we struggle with knowing what that practically looks like. This week we heard a great story of a group of guys who lived out this vision by simply taking a next step.
Back in April, a men’s Small Group leader had been reminding his group that each member has the ability to help people take their next step. That it isn’t just a pastor’s job; that no matter your marital status, your age, or stage of life, we are all meant to look after those around us, invite them in, and walk with them on the journey.
This was hard to grasp for the group members. They weren’t pastors or staff members of the church, and some didn’t feel equipped to reach out and bring others in–but a quick encounter with Marcus Gross changed all of that.
Marcus had seen the group meeting together for a few weeks at Panera Bread while he was working just a few tables away. Marcus noticed this group wasn’t just a bunch of guys sitting together; it was a band of normal men who were intentionally meeting with one another and praying for each other.
At the time, Marcus had already accepted Jesus into his life but was looking for somewhere to belong. He took a step of faith one morning after seeing their group from afar and spoke with a couple of men from the group.
“Something just overcame me to just learn more about what they were doing. I was really nervous to go up and speak with them, but the two guys that I went up to just invited me in.”
-Marcus Gross
They talked with Marcus, brought him to church, and got him to join their group; they ushered him into their spiritual family. Now, Marcus has completed 101 and is about to start 301 and his family is also getting involved.
Whether we are the lost person in the graphic or one of the people who’ve already found a home here, we can all be a part of this vision. We all have a next step to take. That morning at Panera Bread, Marcus took a step to start a conversation and the guys in the group took a step by inviting him on the journey with them.
What’s your next step? Our Small Groups will kick off this weekend, and we are encouraging everyone to get a guide, get in a group, and invite someone on the journey with you. God always meets us when we step out in faith.