God doesn’t intend for us to live life alone. He wants us to be part of spiritual family because this is one way that we experience His love. Check out Pat and Bonnie’s story to see how going through Values 301 helped them find their spiritual family.
“We joined Milestone Church in 2011 after moving here from Memphis, Tennessee. Despite being active in the church, we didn’t find spiritual family for years after joining because we didn’t know we needed it. The real change began when my wife, Bonnie, convinced me to join a Freedom group.

I was resistant for the first half of Freedom—I didn’t feel like I fit in the group. But then God got a hold of me and told me that the group wasn’t the problem—I was. He told me I wasn’t putting my everything into the group.
When I heard that, it was like someone had flipped a switch in me. I was changed, and Bonnie and I joined Values 301 after completing Freedom.
Our Values 301 group ended up being very different than what we had expected.
We’d been expecting to be moved into a 301 group our friends were leading, but for whatever reason, we were placed in a group of people who all came from very different backgrounds than us. Our group included new believers, former Muslims, long-time believers, a former atheist, and a former Mennonite.
But, despite our differences, the group instantly clicked. We had found our spiritual family.
After our group completed Values 301, we continued to meet in and out of Small Groups settings.
Bonnie and I don’t have much family nearby, so these are the people we reach out to when we need anything. And they reach out to us whenever they need anything.
Having this spiritual family has helped us grow in our walk with God and our relationship with each other.
I encourage people to start getting involved by serving. Every little step creates connections, friendships, and more and more spiritual family.
I feel like I have a bigger family now than I’ve ever had.”
Maybe like Pat and Bonnie, you don’t feel connected. We want to help you get connected, and a great way to start doing that is to go through Growth Track. You can sign up for one of our Growth Track classes at milestonechurch.com/events.