It only took a few short steps but the significance of this walk will stick with me for long, long time.
As I was standing by the back door greeting people at one of our Easter weekend services, I saw an older couple walking slowly toward the doors. They were some of the last people to make their way out of the auditorium. As I moved forward to meet them and hear their story, I was amazed. This husband and wife from Syracuse, both in their 70s, had just made a decision to follow Jesus!
Their son, Rick Beagle, a member of our church who serves faithfully on our production team, had been praying for them and invited them to come to Milestone while they were down visiting–and it changed their lives forever, not to mention their eternal densities.
Just as I finished talking with the Beagles, I was introduced to Joe Kennedy. Joe’s a chiropractor in the area and during the spring he’d been involved in one of our pastor’s small groups. He was very open to the group about his doubts and questions regarding the Christian faith but continued to show up week after week.
Standing in the atrium, he told me he had made a decision to give his heart to Christ. He didn’t have every answer, but he knew Jesus had been working in his life because He wanted a genuine relationship with him. Joe sent a text to his small group shortly afterward letting them know the good news. Isn’t that incredible? That’s what Easter – and Milestone Church – is all about.
I’ve heard so many incredible stories from Easter weekend–everything from family members accepting Jesus after years of prayer, to people walking through the doors of a church for the very first time in their life. And it was all of you on the frontlines all weekend–reaching people, building lives and showing the love of Jesus to everyone who stepped foot in our building.
I’ve said it again and again but it bears repeating: Milestone is an everyone church and I’m proud to be your pastor.
-Pastor Jeff Little