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Jeff Little

Milestone Life

You Are Making A Big Impact!

collage-style image of many photos of members of Milestone Church volunteering at Serve Day. They are all wearing the red volunteer shirts and volunteering in many different ways and projects.

Milestone Family, you did it again! Many of you gave up your time and talents to make a difference in the lives of people this Serve Day. It’s always amazing seeing you go out into the community with red shirts, ready to serve however you can. It makes me so proud to be your pastor. Part of the reason we do events like Serve Day comes from a vision I had years ago to be a church where if we…

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Pastor Jeff Little

One Invite Can Change a Life: The Taylors

Easter is like the Superbowl for pastors—it’s one of my favorite times of the year. The weekend may be full of candy, egg hunts, and matching outfits for the kids, but the truth is, most people can’t help but feel a tug toward God during Easter. That’s why I encourage you to reach out to your neighbors, friends, and family. You never know what’s on the other end of a simple invitation. Take a look at how this family was…

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Pastor Jeff Little

Are You Adopted?

Have you ever felt a little out of place? Maybe you you received an invitation to an event, but didn’t quite feel like you were wanted there? It’s that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach that seems to say “you don’t belong here”. So why does it bother us so much? Deep down, we all want to feel like we belong. We want a place at the table. To be known fully and still loved fully. To feel…

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Life Stories

From Major Leagues to Milestone

“Blake found something of great value and significance in a place he didn’t expect.”Blake Beavan, a Major League pitcher and first-round round draft pick for the Texas Rangers in 2007, suffered a career-ending shoulder injury in 2014. In the wake of his injury and the shattered dream of playing professional baseball, Blake started attending Milestone with his wife, joined a small group and now has started inviting his friends to join him at church. Check out his journey in this…

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Pastor Jeff Little

The Best Walk I Made All Year

It only took a few short steps but the significance of this walk will stick with me for long, long time.As I was standing by the back door greeting people at one of our Easter weekend services, I saw an older couple walking slowly toward the doors. They were some of the last people to make their way out of the auditorium. As I moved forward to meet them and hear their story, I was amazed. This husband and wife…

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Pastor Jeff Little

To 21-Year-Old Me

Do you ever think back about your life and wonder, “If I only knew then…what I know now?”That may explain why stories about time travel keep coming back in movies, TV and books. There’s something in us that wishes we could get another shot, a do-over, or that we could somehow send a message back to the younger version of ourselves.…

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