Though he didn’t know what to expect, Josh Taylor decided to fast for the very first time last year at Prepare 2016. Josh shares with us what God did through his willingness to take a step of faith:
“I had never fasted before participating in Prepare 2016.
Upon speaking with many of our Milestone family, they shared with me it was their favorite time of year at Milestone, I was excited to experience it for myself, though I went into it not really knowing what to expect.
I committed to the fast and spent the time I would normally spend at meals reading the Bible and praying instead.
I was going through several life transitions at time and needed clarity. I was adjusting to being a newlywed having been married for 6 months, facing a career change and looking at whether it was wise or not to buy a home. I was hoping for insight from God in how to grow closer to God and how to honor him in these life decisions.
I definitely received that clarity.
In fact, day 2 of the fast, my wife and I found out we were pregnant. I also felt confirmation that I was to make the career change, which has been a huge blessing. We felt led to buy a home, which God has used to anchor us here to our spiritual family at Milestone.
Most importantly, it fostered a deeper, more intimate connection with God.
The 72 hour fasting experience of Prepare was so powerful, that I have gone back to fasting anytime I struggle or feel the need for clarity or growth in my relationship with God.”
We know fasting isn’t earning an answer to your prayer, but just as we see in Josh’s story, something valuable happens when we intentionally put God first and set aside time to seek Him. It’s been an incredible week so far and we are expectant for God to continue to move tonight as we close out Prepare 2017. Let’s finish strong together!
Pastor Ron
January 12, 2017 at 11:51 amI’ve had the opportunity to be in small group with Josh for the past year. I’m a witness to God’s faithfulness when men make the decision to put Him first. Proud of you Josh!
Caroline Holbrook
January 12, 2017 at 12:13 pmThat is such an awesome testimony of God’s faithfulness and desire to draw closer to us in prayer and fasting!
So great, Josh!
Jordan Fowler
January 12, 2017 at 12:14 pmWalked with this brother! Seeing him grow as a disciple! Stoked!
Shaylah Coogan
January 25, 2017 at 10:44 amThis is such a great testimony and encouragement to others! So many are apprehensive about fasting for the first time. I was too until my first true fast 3 years ago. Since then it has always been a source of clarity, worries are put to rest, and I feel so much closer to God.