Pastor Jeff Little

Do I Belong Here?

Can you remember the last time you asked yourself the simple question: Do I belong here? When we wrestle with the pain and challenges of our past, we often question our value, our abilities, and even our identity. In this place, we wonder if we measure up or fit in.

But when you are surrounded by people who remind you that God sees you, He’s with you, and that He’s for you, things begin to flourish in your life. Recently, I had the privilege of sharing Tricia’s story with you. Take a look, as she describes in her own words, experiencing the love of God through spiritual family.

“As I sit here and try to process all the emotions and feelings of tonight I can’t help but be completely and utterly overwhelmed by God’s goodness and mercy. Four years ago I walked into Milestone Church. I knew they had a great homeschool group and really felt the Lord leading me to visit. So I went.

That day out of the large crowd, a woman I had never met in person, somehow recognized me, grabbed on to me and got me plugged in immediately. She drug me to Joy that year as I was new to the church and was hesitant to go. She sat by me and made me feel included. At the end of the service Pastor Jeff stood up and spoke about his desire to show the love of Christ to the widows and single moms. He then asked single moms and widows to please stand so he could give us all a gift to bless us with. It was a box much like this one.

But here’s the thing. I walked into that church with a deep wound.

I never identified myself as a single mom, only ever a homeschool mom. That was something to be proud of! I could stand firm on that. I founded my own homeschool group and was active in that community and brought people together. That single mom part? It brought shame and guilt. I was broken and useless. I had fought for my marriage. I had begged and pleaded. I was on my face before the Lord asking Him to raise up my marriage and it still didn’t work. I had failed at marriage therefore I was a failure. I couldn’t be used any longer. When I stood up to receive that first box I actually was embarrassed carrying it around and quickly went and put it in my car.

God has used Milestone and the people in it to heal some major hurts. To teach me more about God’s love and mercy in a way I had never known.

I learned more about forgiveness and marriage. I found freedom. I found true worship.

How fitting that the last Joy that I will attend as a single mom the message was about receiving. It is because of an over abundance of God’s love I have healed some deep wounds. Some wounds so deep I didn’t even know they were there till I had first healed the more shallow ones. It is only because of that healing and that receiving of God’s love and goodness for me and my life—me finding my value and worth in HIM ALONE—that God brought me the most wonderful man in the world.

There is so much redemption and healing that has happened in my life over the last 5 years as a single mom. He has restored my soul.

And this little simple act of kindness from Milestone Church was just one way God wanted to tell me ‘I see you, I hear you, I’ve got you.’”


We all need a tangible way to recognize how real God is and how much He really loves us. Milestone Church, I am blown away by how you continue to create an environment for people like Tricia to feel seen and loved. Thank you for being a generous church!

Pastor Jeff Little


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  • Mike Banas
    January 2, 2019 at 10:07 am

    Love this! Thanks for sharing Tricia. We are so glad to hear of all that God has done, is doing and will do in your future. The best is yet to come!

  • Pastor Ron
    January 2, 2019 at 10:31 am

    It’s a honor to be a part of something so special. Let’s continue to fight to welcome and love people like Tricia who walk through our doors. We truly are an “Everyone Church”!

  • Melissa Baggett
    January 2, 2019 at 11:49 am

    What a powerful story and great reminder for us all! Thank you, Tricia, for being willing to share with us.

  • Stacey
    January 2, 2019 at 7:56 pm

    Thank you for sharing your story and encouraging others, Tricia!

  • Lorraine Thomas
    January 2, 2019 at 9:32 pm

    “Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks!” Matthew 12:34…
    Gratitude and LOVE take over. There is no room for shame. The Lord is close and He brings us into Family.
    Thank you so much for writing this. Thank you so much for being vulnerable. Thank you so much for giving God all the credit.
    He LOVES us so well and so completely. We are forever changed; to be all He created us to be.
    So proud of you!

  • Wanda
    January 3, 2019 at 8:53 am

    God bless you Tricia. As a child of God, there is no condemnation. Thank you for giving us the hope for healing the past in our own lives.

  • Nathan
    January 3, 2019 at 2:25 pm

    amazing story!!! Thank you for being willing to share, Tricia!