You may be reading this and wondering, what is Palm Sunday? Maybe you grew up knowing the significance that Easter represents, but Palm Sunday has always seemed a little obscure. If this is you, you are certainly not alone. But this day is more than an indicator that Easter is almost here. It’s more than the details of Jesus riding in on a donkey through Jerusalem and people waving their palm leaves before Him, although those are important details. What…
There is no time of the year like Easter. For Amy Russey, Easter is a day of celebration. She gave her life to Jesus 24 years ago, on Easter Sunday. Take a look and see how Amy’s life has changed from that day to now: “I grew up in a home where we went to church, but what happened at the church and what happened at home were totally different. Our lives did not reflect anything that was being taught…
There’s always a sense of excitement and anticipation as we approach Easter Sunday. However before we get to Sunday, we pause to remember the events that happened on that Friday nearly 2000 years ago. Many of us may feel confused about how to approach Good Friday in light of the excitement surrounding Easter Sunday. What exactly is Good Friday and what makes it all that “good” anyway?…