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serve day

Milestone Life

You Are Making A Big Impact!

collage-style image of many photos of members of Milestone Church volunteering at Serve Day. They are all wearing the red volunteer shirts and volunteering in many different ways and projects.

Milestone Family, you did it again! Many of you gave up your time and talents to make a difference in the lives of people this Serve Day. It’s always amazing seeing you go out into the community with red shirts, ready to serve however you can. It makes me so proud to be your pastor. Part of the reason we do events like Serve Day comes from a vision I had years ago to be a church where if we…

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Generosity Spotlight Life Stories

More than Money

When you hear the word “generosity” you may automatically think of money. But generosity is so much more than that. Generosity is freely giving to someone else what God has given you— whether it be talents, time, or resources—without expecting anything in return. One example of this is how your generosity impacted a widow in our church named Linda. Linda had several repairs that she needed done around her home and a group of people in our church used their…

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Life Stories

Pay It Forward

A simple act of kindness can have a massive impact. Something as small as a smile, someone letting you have the last parking spot, or a stranger paying for your food. If you have experienced this, you know how much joy it can bring. Cayla and her family are just one example of how simple acts of kindness can make a difference. Check out her story.  “This was our first year serving on Serve Day. For our project my family…

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Life Stories

One Act of Kindness Can Make a Difference

Last Saturday we sent volunteers out to meet the needs in our community. Although Serve Day may have looked a little different this year, it was still just as impactful. But, serving others isn’t something that is limited to one day a year. It’s something that Christians are called to live out daily.  Lou Ann decided that instead of participating just on Serve Day she would serve for an entire week. Take a look at her story.  “Being a senior…

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Life Stories

Your Gift Matters

“Your gift doesn’t matter.”  Maybe you have believed this lie. The truth is that we all have something valuable to add. Not only does your hard work bless the one you serve, but you experience greater connection and purpose in the process. Just ask TD and Shelley .  No matter how disconnected you may feel, using the gifts you have to serve others brings a greater level of fulfillment than you can experience alone. God wants to use you right…

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Life Stories

Serving Veterans: A Serve Day Home Makeover Project

Memorial Day is a time to honor those who gave everything for our freedom. As we remember those who have paid the ultimate price this weekend, we also take a moment to honor those veterans who have given so much to serve our country.  A few weeks ago, more than 2,300 volunteers in red shirts headed out into our community to serve in over 100  projects for Milestone’s annual Serve Day. One of our teams had the opportunity to work…

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Life Stories

Serve Day: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Impact

We can’t all do everything, but we can all do something! Serve Day 2019 is right around the corner. On Saturday, May 4, a sea of red shirts will head out from Milestone Church with a mission to serve our region in a tangible way with the love of Jesus. With 105 projects planned, teams will be sent to serve refugees, veterans, single moms, homeless, widows, and the elderly. There are skilled home projects, baby showers for women who chose…

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