Life Stories

Morgan and Bailey Ryan Are in the Game

We believe in empowering the next generation. It’s not hype or a mission statement—it’s at the core of who we are at Milestone Church. The process may look different for each student, but we believe they all have the opportunity to reach all that God has for them.

Milestone has always been a place where you don’t see young people sitting on the sidelines—you see them in the game! They lead worship, speak on platforms, serve in teams, and lead small groups.

Morgan and Bailey Ryan are fourteen-year-old twins who have served in many different ministry areas within Milestone. They grew up in the same household, but they each have a unique story of how God worked in their lives. They are just two examples of what can happen when young people have an encounter with God and are empowered to use their gifts.


“I really didn’t want to go to Middle School Camp at first. I was nervous about making new friends and missing out on everything happening back home. However, as the week went on something awesome happened. I started hearing God in a whole new way! He wanted to know my heart, my fears, and my worries, and He cared about what I was going through. 

That week I really learned what it means to have a relationship with God—my faith became my own.

After camp, all I wanted to do was help others experience the same thing I did. The best way I thought to do that was to serve in Milestone Kids and Elevate. It’s hard to imagine that I, a teenage girl, can empower others to do so much. You truly don’t have to wait to be great. I can’t imagine anything better!”


“In the first grade, I got really sick. My hands and feet started to swell so much that I couldn’t walk because of the pain. After many trips to the doctor, I was diagnosed with a rare disease. They later told me that I might need a risky procedure. So, I decided to pray. 

This was really the first time I had prayed––really prayed––and I decided to let God into my situation. 

This was a very pivotal moment in my life. I let go of my worries and lifted them up to Jesus. I felt a rush of peace knowing that my God was with me in the storm. When I finally left the hospital, I remember thanking God. It wasn’t a big elaborate prayer, but it was a simple, ‘Thank you God for healing me.’ Now, after nine years of living symptom-free, I know He finishes what He starts and uses everything we face for the good.

Through serving as a small group leader and speaker in Milestone Kids, I have learned so much. I’ve had so many leaders who have helped shape me and now I have the opportunity to use my gifts and pour into the younger kids and watch them grow in their faith. I now know I’m called to ministry and want to become a pastor.”

Next Gen Weekend isn’t just a program that we put on once a year—it’s a snapshot of what is happening in any of our Next Gen environments every week. It’s a perfect example of what it looks like when we take the time to develop and equip the next generation of leaders. No matter where you or your child are, God wants to do something big. If you missed Next Gen Weekend this past Saturday and Sunday, check out the recap video below.

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  • Mel Baggett
    September 5, 2019 at 6:44 pm

    Morgan and Bailey…yall are awesome! Love getting to see you use your gifts to serve others. Thank you for sharing your story with us!

  • Jim and Debbie Sharp
    September 6, 2019 at 8:38 am

    The Sharps are looking in and being so proud for you both!

  • Ps. Pulley
    September 6, 2019 at 10:08 am

    I’ll follow Morgan and Bailey because they are fabulous leaders! Difference-makers, without question!

  • Caroline H
    September 6, 2019 at 10:17 am

    So amazing! I love the example you guys are! You are powerful for God and we are so proud of you.

  • Grace Hody
    September 7, 2019 at 7:55 am

    This is a beautiful testimony of God’s grace in two incredible young people! Morgan and Bailey have invited God to work in their lives NOW, and it is evident in how they love, lead, and serve others for the sake of building the Kingdom. May God continue to shine bright in their lives as His favor falls on them, and they continue to walk as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to the Lord (Rm. 12:1).

  • Nathan
    September 7, 2019 at 9:00 am

    Love the Ryan’s!!!

  • Pastor Tim
    September 9, 2019 at 3:40 pm

    I was so impressed with NextGen weekend! It was amazing. I’m so glad to be a part of a church that is raising up the next generation. The Ryans are such an amazing family–this is the real deal!