“Come now, let’s settle this,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them white as snow.” –Isaiah 1:18
How do you see yourself?
I’ve been thinking about this question a lot lately. Identity is an area in our lives that’s so easily shaken. The enemy will take every opportunity to get us to focus on our past and lie to us about who we are.
A few months ago we shared this video based on a passage of Scripture from the prophet Isaiah that speaks so well to this question. Watch this creative visual representation of the power of His redemption over our guilt.
We’re rooted, planted, loved and defined by the God who never changes.
He’s the potter and we are the clay.
He’s the painter and we are His masterpiece.
The best version of you, the real treasure, can only be found in Christ. You are who He says you are. He’s already settled that. And when you begin to see yourself as He sees you, you’re free to become more of who He’s created you to be.