You may be reading this and wondering, what is Palm Sunday? Maybe you grew up knowing the significance that Easter represents, but Palm Sunday has always seemed a little obscure. If this is you, you are certainly not alone. But this day is more than an indicator that Easter is almost here. It’s more than the details of Jesus riding in on a donkey through Jerusalem and people waving their palm leaves before Him, although those are important details. What…
Our world can seem so overwhelming right now. There seem to be so many problems all around us. But instead of letting it drive us away from spiritual family, we should be running towards it. Check out Nick and Jillian’s story of how coming back to church changed the health of their marriage and family. “In August of 2018, Jillian was diagnosed with breast cancer. She went through the first drug treatment, and after 2019 was cleared. Coming into 2020,…
Two years ago, Stephen Grossman worked at Milestone over the weekends as an off-duty police officer. Serving in the Commons changed his life. “I was working here at Milestone, standing in the Commons for a number of weeks, watching the services on the big screen. What really kept me coming back week to week was the focus on how the next generation is being taken care of. Being in the line of work that I am in, I’ve seen lots…
Communication can be a challenging struggle in any relationship. Being open, honest, and vulnerable is hard work, but that hard work is worth it. The good news is, there’s hope to be found in this area. Sarah and Travis Titterington’s story reminded us of that hope, and we wanted to share it with you. After committing themselves to walk through the Freedom process, Sarah and Travis experienced a major breakthrough in their marriage, and their family will never look the same. Today,…
Water baptisms are one of our favorite celebrations here at Milestone. Nearly 70 people from all different generations and different backgrounds took this step of faith last weekend. We saw a 67-year-old woman baptized right alongside two six-year-olds, a family of four brothers and sisters who come from a Muslim heritage, and families just like Jay Odem’s who all said “yes” to Jesus. If you were with us this weekend, you saw Jay’s video. There are elements of the story…
“I’ve learned a lot about God and how He loves us through other people.” At the beginning of June, things changed for 12-year-old Embry as she walked into Elevate for the first time. A week later, she joined over 180 other students at our Middle School Camp. She knew that God was going to move in her life, but she didn’t know how significantly He would change her and her family. “After promotion weekend, I went to Elevate for the…
Walking into a new place for the first time can be nerve-wracking. For six-year-old Noah, having just moved to Texas with his family, it took a lot of courage to walk into our Milestone Kids area a few weeks ago. Kristen and Jeremy, Noah’s parents, came to Milestone hoping to find a place their entire family would be comfortable calling home. Just weeks after trying out Milestone for the first time, Noah’s take on kids’ church anchored them here. Today,…