Let’s be honest—one day a year isn’t enough to honor moms and their contribution. Being a mom is more than carting kids around to games and concerts, finding lost sippy cups and pacifiers, and fixing scraped knees. It’s more than being a chauffeur and a chef. Being a mom isn’t a job…it’s a calling. It’s not giving birth that makes someone a mother. A mother is a person who is willing to take on the responsibility of investing her life…
There is nothing like family—especially when it comes to spiritual transformation. A few weekends ago, we showed a glimpse into the Guerra’s story of redemption, restoration, and revival. Today, we want to show you another piece of their story. The truth is, behind every godly man there is usually a praying grandmother, mother, or wife. Ginger Guerra paved the way for her family through a Christian’s most powerful tool—prayer. “I gave my life to Christ a year and a half…
Break·through \’brak-,THrü\ noun 1. a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development. Have you ever needed a breakthrough? Maybe you need one right now…a sudden dramatic development in that circumstance that keeps you up at night. It could be your marriage that’s falling apart, an addiction you just can’t seem to kick, that challenging toddler (or teenager) you can’t get through to, or a bad medical report. Maybe it’s a financial crisis, infertility struggle, the desire…