When you want to grow your finances, you look for a financial planner. When you want to grow in your cooking skills you check out the latest culinary blogs. When you want to grow your biceps you find a personal trainer.
Why is it when it comes to spiritual growth we often struggle to know what to do next?
The truth is, it’s easy to get confused, stuck, and paralyzed about growing spiritually.
You know what I’ve found to be true time and time again? You grow as you go.
The first step is always the hardest step….but it’s the most important step. When you step out, God meets you there.
Last weekend we shared the powerful story of Jeffrey Alleman, a young man who has recently taken steps toward spiritual growth.
Jeffrey, thank for your service to our country and for sharing your story with us. I’m proud of you for taking a step of faith, leading your family, and for desiring to grow into more of who He’s created you to be. I believe in you and the purpose God has for your life!
We are an everyone church here at Milestone. We believe every single person has something to contribute and everyone has a next step they can take. If you’re looking for what to do next, here are some great places to start:
- Meet Jesus
- Sign up to be Water Baptized
- Get in our Growth Track
- Join the Dream Team
- Find a Small Group
-Pastor Jeff Little
Pastor Ron
June 17, 2017 at 11:12 amSpiritual Growth happens one small step at a time. Way to go, Jeffrey. Don’t ever stop walking!