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milestone church

Pastor Jeff Little

Are You Adopted?

Have you ever felt a little out of place? Maybe you you received an invitation to an event, but didn’t quite feel like you were wanted there? It’s that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach that seems to say “you don’t belong here”. So why does it bother us so much? Deep down, we all want to feel like we belong. We want a place at the table. To be known fully and still loved fully. To feel…

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Life Stories

When Nothing Else Worked

We’re so grateful for the genuine stories of life transformation happening all around us. This past weekend Taylor Mathews was water baptized and shared her incredible story of hope in the midst of struggle. After sharing her story in service last weekend, Taylor has been so excited to hear the positive response and hopes it will continue to help people in the future. Here are a few thoughts from Taylor on her journey so far: “Overcoming depression and anxiety isn’t…

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Milestone Missions

Compassion In Action

There’s a special kind of joy you get from blessing someone who can’t do anything for you in return. We were created to give–it’s how our hearts are wired. We serve an incredibly generous God and when we give out of our joy we become more like Him. He entrusts us with gifts so we can discover the unspeakable joy that comes from giving as we shine His light to a broken and hurting world. Coach Madis and the Central…

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Life Stories

Staying Thankful

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, today we want to share with you our most popular story ever. In Uncommon Gratitude, Terri Edwards reflects on what it’s like to give thanks in all circumstances, even in the aftermath of losing her husband and 17-year-old son to cancer.  Click here to read her story. Thank you for your honesty and transparency, Terri.…

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Life Stories

Healing in Hardship

Dallas Cowboy Cory Procter had his NFL career ended abruptly in 2010 after suffering a serious knee injury. Being forced to leave the game he loved was difficult, but it was when his nephew was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2014 that his anger and bitterness toward God intensified. …

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Life Stories

Education: It’s A Calling

Early mornings, backpacks, lunches, and drop-off lines can only mean one thing–school is officially in session! This past weekend at Milestone Church, Pastor Jeff Little prayed for our teachers and administrators in our services and blessed them with a gift. It was an opportunity for us to say a huge THANK YOU! Here at Milestone we believe wholeheartedly in the calling of educators to pour into the next generation. Countless lives are impacted through their decision to guide, teach…

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Pastor Jeff Little

Uncommon Gratitude

No one can avoid pain, but it’s how we choose to respond that makes all the difference. Terri Edwards is no stranger to tragedy. In 2007 she lost her first husband after a 13-month battle with cancer and two years later got the devastating news that her 17-year old son, Jonathan, had leukemia. He spent the greater part of the next 6 months in the hospital dealing with numerous complications and in October of 2009 passed away. …

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