Life Stories

Cristina’s Courage

I grew up in a very loving environment with both of my parents. I’m one of six siblings so family has always been important to me. We’ve always been a very strong family, but there was also a lot of dysfunction. Both my parents worked in the restaurant business and there were many late nights. I was home many times with just my older siblings and a housekeeper.

Anytime we would have family functions there would be a lot of drinking and I saw my parents smoke cigarettes for the first time when I was 13 years old. At first, it was heartbreaking for me, but as I got older it became normal. Then…my dad was unfaithful to my mom. It was a very painful season as my mom and I, along with my sisters, found a new place to live.

I was confused, heartbroken, and lost.

From there, I struggled with peer pressure and hanging out with the wrong crowd. I stopped caring about school and the things that mattered. I knew my parents were dealing with their emotions, so I would take advantage of that and stayed out late with friends. After several bad decisions, I became pregnant at the age of 17.

All I felt was fear and shame. I knew in spite of my parents dysfunction they would be disappointed and angry. I didn’t know what to do, and in that season of fear and doubt, I considered ending the pregnancy. I didn’t know how to pray, I didn’t know Jesus, but I began to cry out to God…and what happened next still amazes me.

God gave me the courage to make the right decision.

He met me in the darkest moment of my life and responded to my cries for help. My daughter, Sophia, is a beautiful girl who has brought so much joy to my life and to those around her. Everyday I thank God for the gift she is to our family.

I’d love to be able to say that my life has been perfect from that moment on, but no matter what…I know God is with me. I’m now married and have three children, and God continues to work in my life. Whether it’s the pressure of owning a restaurant chain (Cristina’s Mexican Restaurant), marriage challenges, or supporting siblings that are battling addictions, I know that God has me in the palm of His hand.

I’m making the right steps and moving in the right direction so that my children and generations after won’t have to battle the same things I did, and I’m overwhelmingly grateful for my spiritual family at Milestone. We were never meant to carry the weight of life by ourselves, and I couldn’t have done it without some amazing women who have walked with me through every difficult season of my life.

Now, God has given me a heart for others. I’m drawn to struggling mothers or someone who has a family member dealing with addiction. There’s always hope with God and there is something greater that He’s working on that we don’t see. Life is messy sometimes but God is always there to lift us out of our circumstance and set our feet on solid ground.


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  • Hope
    May 17, 2018 at 3:47 pm

    Inspiring. God Bless

  • Ps. Steve Pulley
    May 17, 2018 at 6:21 pm

    Cristina, what an amazing story! Thank you for your boldness and passion for Jesus!

  • Pastor Ron
    May 17, 2018 at 10:46 pm

    The best ever… We love this family for so many reasons. Way to go Cristina!!!

  • Stacey Hatcher
    May 17, 2018 at 10:54 pm

    Wow! Thank you for sharing your story!

  • Jordan Patrick Fowler
    May 18, 2018 at 11:04 am

    Thanks for your honesty and transparency about you journey to Jesus. Keep going!

  • Ashley DeGraaf
    May 18, 2018 at 9:27 pm

    This is such a wonderful story, you have a beautiful heart and it has been such a blessing seeing how God is working in your family and the people you come in contact with regularly.

  • Mike Banas
    May 19, 2018 at 4:46 am

    Thank you for the courage and authenticity you displayed in sharing your story. My prayer is that as a result there may be one or more young women who will also trust God when things seem to be going not as planned and they too may be facing an unwanted pregnancy. Thank you!

  • Misty Fitch
    May 19, 2018 at 8:30 am

    Thank you for your openness in sharing your story!

  • Mel Baggett
    May 20, 2018 at 11:34 am

    This is awesome! Thank you for sharing Cristina!