A refugee is defined as “a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution.” Did you know there are refugees from over 30 countries that have been resettled right here in Tarrant County? While some are actually persecuted Christians, many have never heard the Gospel message.
This summer Milestone Missions took a team of 27 men, women and students to Fort Worth to serve refugees in partnership with World Relief. Our team spent 4 days ministering through skits and dramas, a refugee pastor’s gathering, home visits, washing feet, giving pedicures, and hosting a festival for over 200 people. They were able to share with many whose home countries are closed to the Gospel and personally led 17 people from 6 different countries to Christ. Since this trip is close to home, a unique advantage is that members of Milestone are able to form long-term connections and relationships with people from all over the world, right in our own backyard.
People like Wilson, an 8-year-old boy from Bhutan. The first couple of days of the trip Wilson could be seen following our evangelistic teams around yelling “Liars!” and “Don’t answer the door!” as they made home visits. During skits Wilson would steal props and cause chaos as people would give their testimonies. He seemed to carry around so much anger and bitterness, but Wilson’s eternity was about to change forever.
One of our missionaries, Brian, caught up with Wilson after a testimony gathering. Wilson was holding his back after being kicked by several other kids. Brian asked him why he was so angry. Wilson responded, “Because nobody likes me.” Brian used this opportunity to share the message of the Gospel with Wilson and he accepted Jesus.
From that moment, Wilson’s entire countenance changed. He started doing ministry right alongside our Milestone team members. Wilson had a desire to tell others what God had done for him. Members of our team taught Wilson how to share the message of Jesus, hand out Bibles, and pray for others.
On the last day of the trip a man with a walker asked for our team to pray for his shoulder. The man was in tears as Wilson prayed for his shoulder and God miraculously healed him. This is the Gospel at work!
Romans 10:15 says “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” We pass by and interact with others everyday who don’t know the good news of Jesus and that the God of the Universe loves them. We are called and commissioned to bear the “beautiful feet” of one who brings good news.
For more information on our ongoing refugee outreach ministry and other local ministries visit our Milestone Local Missions page.
August 10, 2016 at 10:06 pmIt was SUCH a cool thing to be a part of and witness! I will never forget Wilson’s transformation! God is always Good!
August 10, 2016 at 11:58 pmThis is my second time hearing this story. It makes me smile even bigger hearing it again.